Jason Robbins Lions Krav Maga Badass of the month

November Badass of the Month – Jason Robbins

“I’m very much an introvert,” said Jason Robbins, November’s Badass of the Month. In fact, despite what you may see in class when training with him, Jason says this whole contact combat thing is totally outside of his typical wheelhouse — the football he played in junior high notwithstanding.  When[…]

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Badass of the Month: Jamie Berlant-Levine!

Jamie’s skill set extends far beyond Krav Maga, in which she currently (as of September 2019) holds a well-earned Orange Belt. Her artistic ability is also totally genius-level amazing, which is one of the reasons we wanted to show her off as the September Badass of the Month!

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melanie rice lions krav maga badass of the month austin tx

Badass of the Month: Melanie Rice

Melanie Rice started training with Lions Krav Maga in January, 2019. Within the first few months of her membership, she proved to the world (or at least to her attacker) just how much of a badass she had already become. On April 11, 2019, Melanie had to use what she’d learned in class to defend herself when a man assaulted her in a women’s shower room. Here’s how it went down…

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rachel doda lions krav maga

Badass of the Month: Rachel Doda

“I’ve done a lot of stuff,” said Rachel Doda, Lions’ Badass of the Month. She’s traveled the world, gone skydiving (it was a whim, which her mom said was “nucking futs”), got her BFA in computer animation, and landed a dream job in Austin as layout and storyboard artist for Rooster Teeth Productions.

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Badass of the Month: Norbi Zylberberg

BADASS OF THE MONTHNorberto “Norbi” Zylberberg Last week, Norbi passed his orange belt test after starting Krav maga less than 2 years ago with no previous martial arts experience. But that’s not what makes him badass. In fact, his two teenage sons also go to Lions. They already had their[…]

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Lisa Jones Badass of the Month Lions Krav Maga

Badass of the Month: Lisa Jones

“Lisa is a great partner to train with and always gives it her all. She has a positive and sunny outlook and always makes me laugh. She is 100% on learning and improving at every technique.”  But is this the only thing that makes Lisa a badass? Heck naw! Check[…]

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Jesse “The Bulldog” Santos

Forget what you’ve heard; Krav Maga is not all about kicking people’s @$$es  and getting ripped. I mean, punching your (padded) training partners in class is basically the most fun  thing ever,  but really, that’s not what Krav Maga is about  about. You catch my drift? Here’s what makes Krav[…]

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