Krav Junior Lions Krav Maga Routines

Routines – Shifting Into A New Normal

The recent closures of schools and businesses are widespread and have led to major disruptions in the daily routines of families. Children are trying to adjust to doing school at home, and parents are now trying to balance their new work-from-home life with a new role – teacher to their children. To cope, it’s important for families to implement daily routines that incorporate school and work along with family time and hobbies.

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Krav Junior Lions Krav Maga Parent Support

How Parental Involvement Increases Child Success

Parents are the child’s first teacher. They are the foundational element to their child’s success in everything. The enthusiasm and support, or lack thereof, that a parent expresses can make or break a child’s experience and/or accomplishments. Because Krav Junior is a child development program as well as a self[…]

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Lions Krav Maga Krav Junior Helping Children Feel Secure in Uncertain World

Helping Children Feel Secure in an Uncertain World

The news can be full of stories and information that can be scary and anxiety-inducing, especially for children. If adults are feeling worried, imagine how children must be feeling. No matter the age, children can be emotionally affected by the news and begin to feel anxious about what they are hearing. For this reason, it’s important for parents to spend time connecting with their children and implementing ways that help them feel secure.

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Endorphins! The Key to Effort & Focus in Children and Teens

Endorphins are natural chemicals produced in the body to reduce pain and boost happiness. These “feel-good” chemicals cause a state of euphoria, and are released during exercise or boosted through laughter or excitement. In recent years, we have been seeing more research on how endorphins contribute to learning, and as a result, physical activity is now considered essential to brain development. All the research boils down to one basic principle: when we feel good, we learn better!

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Fostering a Positive Growth Mindset

The kids that enter our Krav Junior program will eventually face their own unique challenges, and we want them to realize that challenges are a good thing! Overcoming training obstacles is how one improves, so it’s super important to help your child realize that what they’re going through is normal. We believe in the power of a growth mindset, which allows one to see challenges as potential for improvement, not as failures.

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Krav Junior Self Defense for kids

Self Defense Training Saved This Child From Abduction

Last week, a father of one of our students shared an article with us about an attempted abduction with the following words, “I wanted to share the article below and also thank y’all for helping us teach R—- how to protect himself. I really like how Lions talks out different scenarios to the kids! I think that really helps the kids connect the dots if or when it happens in real life.”

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