Lions provides an effective, supportive place to learn

Lions provides an effective, supportive place to learn

Lions provides an effective, supportive place to learn

After trying Lions, I’ve discovered a valuable, supportive, educational, and empathetic experience. I am someone who does feel self-conscious and embarrassed when learning new material without a safe, supportive environment and clear instructions, so I initially felt anxious. Fortunately, I remember being greeted at the door with a smile by one of the instructors, and though I was highly guarded and reserved on my first day, I also remember seeing Katie with a big smile on her face, supporting me in feeling welcome despite continuing to feel reserved for the next few weeks.

Given my limited experience at the time–having listened to podcasts, viewed self-defense videos, and being aware of “fake martial arts”–I was feeling suspicious and skeptical. I later felt relieved to hear both owners state that they anticipate people coming in with skepticism and strive to be open-minded individuals who have stress-tested techniques in various self-defense scenarios, being patient in demonstrating how and why the techniques are effective.

Lions takes an incremental approach, taking seriously (1) clear directions, (2) safety, (3) being a good partner by working at a level that puts others in the optimal “green zone” for learning, and (4) breaking down techniques into small, manageable bits for maximal reps, and then putting the technique together at the end to integrate these neural chunks.

Regarding safety, I had a cracked rib and a shoulder injury (not from Lions-these injuries were from other activities) that lasted 2-3 months at a time , and the instructors were careful to help modify my training as well as advocate for safe partner training. They also were very clear on resting appropriately, advocating for myself to sit out when needed, and staff was careful to state what they could help with and couldn’t, encouraging people to sit out and make appointments with doctors and physical therapy appropriately for those who received injuries from other activities or had previous injuries before coming to the gym.

This is reflected in Lions’ “Fight Church,” where light-contact, safe sparring is repeatedly encouraged and prompted for safety and learning. For those who are highly skilled, overwhelming a beginner has little to no benefit, and this is highly discouraged and pointed out: being a good partner to those who are starting their martial arts journey is taken seriously. Similarly, “Groundwork Open Mat” is done to build body awareness, engaging in flow rolling, and for those who are more advanced, they roll for submissions by consent ahead of time, rolling to learn and gain awareness, not to win through size and brute strength.

Having trained for years now, I was fortunate enough to observe several of the kids’ classes and have many conversations with the owner, Katie Fryer, about her educational philosophy and teaching method, allowing them creative play time, turning self-defense into games and songs, and having them engaged with obstacle courses.

Having tried several different fitness programs over the past 8-9 years, the price at Lions is extremely reasonable (a bargain). For nearly half the price of other fitness centers that only focus on fitness, Lions has fitness and more: boxing, kickboxing, groundwork, self-defense, weapons defense, and grappling-and students can attend 2-3 classes a day, if desired. In addition to getting into great shape, students can also learn how to defend themselves, combining the best of many styles into practical self-defense.

Most importantly, Lions cares about people. People from all walks of life are welcome to a supportive environment that is non-toxic, non-judgmental, and sees the potential in people: they realize that individuals come in feeling scared, anxious, hesitant, nervous, and this is met with understanding.

Lions provides an effective, supportive place to learn, bit by bit, leaving you with a smile on your face after each successful goal met and greater courage in handling life’s challenges. They will teach you to become capable in protecting those you love but to also walk in peace by defusing and avoiding situations to not engage in unnecessary violence, which is the greater priority. If you are interested in realizing your self-defense potential and being seen in a supportive community, then Lions is for you.

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