5th Annual Bar Fight Seminar & Holiday Party

From the Blog

5th Annual Bar Fight Seminar & Holiday Party

Saturday, December 14

***ONE SPOT LEFT FOR BAR FIGHT SEMINAR (Members Only). REGISTER HERE: http://bit.ly/2019BarFight***

We want to thank our members for another amazing year at Lions Krav Maga, so we will be hosting a FREE Bar Fight Seminar followed by a super awesome fun-time Holiday Party at Nosh and Bevvy (8440 Burnet Rd.). The seminar is members-only, but for the party, feel free to bring your plus ones!

REGISTER HERE for Bar Fight Seminar: http://bit.ly/2019BarFight

If you don’t get a spot in the seminar, please still come to the Holiday Party at 6:00pm (or later) to have some fun and celebrate the holidays with us! REGISTER HERE: http://bit.ly/LionsHolidayParty

We will have a raffle for prizes, like Lions Krav Maga apparel, private lessons, survival kit, and gift certificates! To participate in the raffle, pick up one of the raffle tickets at the front desk. Tickets are FREE, but you have to do the 3 tasks outlined on the ticket. Once you’ve accomplished the tasks, you can put your raffle ticket in the jar for the prize of your choice OR you can save the raffle ticket for the party and receive 1 free drink per ticket!

Oh, and did we mention that those who register for the Holiday Party will ALSO get tickets for free drinks? Yep! That’s a thing! So make sure your Plus-Ones register too! REGISTER HERE: http://bit.ly/LionsHolidayParty

For the seminar – NO GYM CLOTHES!!! Please wear whatever you plan to wear to the Holiday Party! This will be reality-based training, so we want you to dress in your fancy pants and party dresses.

Can’t wait!!

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