Krav Junior Policies & Procedures

Krav Junior Policies & Procedures



Members may upgrade their child’s month-to-month membership to a 4-Month (Trimester) membership at any time. We require a minimum of 72-hours notice via email to for all membership upgrades; we do not provide backdated upgrades.

When you upgrade your Krav Junior student to a 4-Month Membership, the new membership tuition price will begin on your next billing cycle and will extend the membership length.

We do not provide downgrades from a Trimester membership to a month-to-month membership.


The freeze policy allows you to temporarily suspend your child’s membership in accordance with the following terms:

• You may freeze your child’s membership once per contractual term for a minimum of one month and a maximum of three (3) consecutive months, in one-month increments, for a fee of $10 per month in place of tuition on the billing dates for those months.
• The remaining time on your child’s membership, and the associated tuition bills, will resume after the freeze period is over.
• The period during which your membership is frozen does not count towards your membership term. If your child has a 4-month membership, and you decide to put it on hold for a month after they attended classes for 2 of those 4 months, the remaining 2 months of their 4-month membership will resume after the freeze period is over. Similarly, if your child has a month-to-month membership & it has already renewed for the next month (see below for cancellation policy), then the remaining time on your child’s membership in addition to the renewal month, will resume after the freeze period is over.
• Any tuition bill that is due before the start of the freeze period, even if it’s due only 1 day before the freeze period, will still be due on schedule. We do not provide refunds in these cases. We require 48 hours notice of a membership freeze, so if your bill is due during that 48 hours, it will still be charged.
• If you are part of a Family Plan in which a 3rd person’s tuition is free, the family discount will be suspended during the freeze period. The Family Plan discount only applies when 2 members are paying full-fee tuition for that month.

In order to request a membership freeze, you must fill out the Membership Freeze Request Form at this link:

Freeze Request Forms must be sent in a minimum of 72 hours prior to the start of the freeze term to allow us time for processing.


Medical Exemption — If a doctor orders your child to not engage in rigorous physical activity due to an injury or illness, you may provide Lions Krav Maga with written documentation from their doctor, and we will waive the hold fee and hold term limits.

Required Travel — If you are on military deployment, or are required to travel for work or school, you may provide Lions Krav Maga written documentation of these requirements to have the hold fee and hold term limits waived.

Documentation can be provided via email to


There are three types of cancellation:

(1) Standard Non-renewal
(2) Contract Buy-out
(3) Contract Exempt Cancellation

To request cancellation, members must fill out the Cancellation Request Form at this link:

STANDARD NON-RENEWAL – In order to prevent the automatic renewal of your child’s membership, we must receive a written notice of non-renewal via the Membership Cancellation Request Form or an email to, at least 30 days before the final date of your child’s current membership term. If we have not received a written request for non-renewal from you by that point, the membership will automatically renew as per the terms in your Membership Agreement. Krav Junior memberships renew on the same term as the last membership at the current standard rate. Once the membership has automatically renewed, you may opt for your child to complete the renewal term, or you may choose to do a Contract Buy-out Cancellation.

Cancellation Request Form:

CONTRACT BUY-OUT – If you do not wish to complete your contracted membership term, you may opt to buy out your contract by paying the Buy-Out Fee. This fee is equal to your membership’s next tuition bill in full, plus 20% of the remaining cancelled tuition bills. For memberships billed monthly, this will equal one month’s tuition in full, plus 20% of the remaining month’s canceled tuition bills.

Example: If you wish to cancel your child’s 4-month trimester membership after only 1 month, your Buy-Out fee will equal 1 month in full + 20% of the 2 canceled months’ tuition bills.

Once you have paid the Buy-Out Fee, your membership will be canceled upon receipt with no further membership obligations. To request a Contract Buy-Out, members must fill out the Membership Cancellation Request Form, which can be found at this link:

Please allow up to 72 hours for processing.

CONTRACT EXEMPT CANCELLATION* – The following circumstances will allow for an exemption to the standard cancellation policy.

• Permanent Relocation – A minimum of 30-days written notice of cancellation submitted via the Membership Cancellation Request Form, with evidence of permanent relocation 30+ miles away from any Lions Krav Maga submitted via email to
*This exemption does not apply to virtual training memberships.

• Military Deployment – A minimum of 72-hour written notice of intent to cancel with evidence of military deployment submitted to

• Long-term Injury or Illness – A minimum of 72-hour written notice of intent to cancel submitted via the Membership Cancellation Request Form, along with written verification from your child’s doctor that they have a long-term or permanent illness or injury that prohibits them from further training even with reasonable accommodations sent via email to

Once your cancellation request and any associated documentation have been received, you will receive either an email confirming your cancellation or an email explaining that there was an error in the request along with instructions on how to proceed. You should receive this email within 72 hours; if you do not receive a response within that timeframe, please send us another email or text us at (512) 588-3356 to confirm that we received your notice.

Cancellation Request Form:

***We never automatically cancel memberships or renewals due to lack of use!***
***We must receive a written request for any membership adjustment.***

Membership Adjustment Policy

We cannot process membership adjustments such as a Membership Freeze or Membership Cancellation when there is an unpaid past-due balance on the account. The account must be brought current before we can process those requests. To add new billing information to your account, log into the Member Site at For more information on billing policies, see the “Autopay Policy” and “Late Fee Policy” below.


While we prefer for students to be on autopay for their monthly bills, we do not require it. If a student would prefer to pay each month on the Member Site or pay in cash, we can turn off the autopay on the account. However, students must still have at least one account on file with us. If a bill is over 7 days past due, we will charge any account we have on file for your child for the unpaid balance and any associated late fees.


If a bill is overdue for more than 7 days, a $15 fee will be automatically applied to the student’s account for each unpaid billing item.

To avoid late fees, you may update your billing information via the Member Site by logging in at

New billing information may be added to an account, but old billing accounts cannot be deleted via the Member Site; to remove an old billing account, email with your request and we will take care of it.


The standard method for providing refunds is to reallocate that amount towards your next bill(s) on your Lions account. If you prefer to have the fees refunded to you directly, you must request this in writing to

EVENT REGISTRATIONS → You may cancel any event registration that you have paid for in full with a 100% refund up until 7 days before the start date of that event if you provide your event cancellation notice and refund request, in writing, to a minimum of 7 days in advance.

You may receive a 50% refund for cancellations for any event that is paid in full if you cancel and request a refund in writing to a minimum of 48 hours in advance of that event’s start time. We do not accept cancellations or provide refunds or credits within 48 hours of the start date of the event.

PRIVATE EVENTS → In the case of deposits paid for special events, that deposit is non-refundable. The remainder of the event fee follows the same policy as that which is stated above under “Event Registrations.”

PERSONAL TRAINING → Personal Training packages are non-refundable. You may cancel a previously scheduled private lesson within 24 hours of that lesson and still retain the credit on your account for that lesson. If you do not provide us with 24 hours notice to reschedule, you will forfeit that lesson.

MEMBERSHIP TUITION → We do not provide tuition refunds unless you were wrongfully charged according to the terms of your Membership Agreement contract. We do not provide tuition refunds due to lack of attendance.


The Krav Junior uniform consists of a Blue Krav Junior T-shirt tucked into black pants or shorts, and a martial arts belt. Please put your child’s first name & last initial on their belts & any of their gear. Students are expected to wear their full Krav Junior uniform to each class. If students split time between more than one home, we recommend that they have at least one full uniform for each house.


Students should not wear outdoor shoes or socks-only on the mats — barefoot is fine, and so are mat shoes (shoes that are specifically reserved for wearing on the mats). If a student walks in the building barefoot or in sandals, they should wipe off their feet with a sanitizing wipe before stepping on the mats. When students take their shoes off upon arrival, they should put their shoes away nicely on the designated shoe shelves by the front door.


Your child’s membership secures their spot in class on a specific day & time. Students may not attend class during days/times when they are not assigned for class except in special circumstances. We do not offer credits for missed classes.

Each trimester includes 16 weeks of classes, and we provide make-up classes for any shortfall due to holidays or other unforeseen gym closures. Otherwise, we provide make-up classes for excused absences only. An absence may be excused only if it is due to an illness or emergency. In order for the absence to be excused, we must receive notice of the absence **before the start time of class** emailed to Once we have received your notice, we will be in touch with options for scheduling your child’s make-up class.


Parents must come inside with their children to drop them off, sign them in at the kiosk, check in with the instructor, and/or make sure they have everything they need for class. 

Students will not be allowed to leave the gym to meet their parents outside/ in the parking lot. Parents must come inside the gym to pick up their child. Students will wait in a designated area to be released by the instructor to their parent once that parent is present. Parents must wait until the instructor sees you & signs the child out before the child can leave the designated waiting area. 


A Krav Junior instructor is available to supervise students starting 10 minutes before the start time of class and ending 10 minutes after the class’s designated end time. Your child is always welcome at the gym any time that we are open, though outside of those time frames the Lions staff will not be responsible for their supervision.

Children are welcome to bring toys, games, or books to play with at the gym, though they are not allowed to bring the toys, games, or books into class with them. They must leave them either in a bag on the gear shelf in the back lobby, in a locker, or next to their shoes on the shoe shelf. We ask that they not leave their toys, games, or books on the floor or furniture while they’re in class, as their items could get damaged or lost.



When you arrive, please ensure that your child is signed in at the kiosk by the front desk to mark them as “present” for class.

Each trimester includes 16 weeks of classes. To stay informed about the school schedule on holidays or other potential breaks, you can always view the most updated version of the calendar on our website here:

To view the content of each class, you can view the curriculum calendar by clicking here:


We have a private Facebook Group for the parents of Krav Junior students. You can find info about upcoming events, as well as pics of the kiddos from the week’s classes in the group. Join the group at this link:


No outdoor shoes or socks on the mat! Along with sanitizing the mats regularly, we try to keep the mats clean by not tracking germs onto the mat in the first place. Students can train on the mats in mat shoes (a pair of shoes reserved solely for being worn on the mats) or in bare feet (if you walk in barefoot, please clean your feet before stepping on the mat). There are flip flops in a bin outside of each of the restrooms; we ask that everyone wear something different on your feet in the bathrooms than what they’d wear on the mat. Please do not leave shoes and/or socks on the floor. There are shoe shelves in the front lobby.


If your child has a contagious illness, or an illness that you’re not sure if it’s contagious or not, please play it safe and keep them home to recover before returning to class. If your child has a fever, please wait at least 24 hours after their fever breaks before bringing them back to the gym. If they have a rash or an open wound, it must be 100% covered the entire time they are at the gym.


We strongly encourage students to remove all jewelry and watches before class, as it could get lost or broken during training. If the watch or jewelry is made out of hard plastic or metal, it will not be allowed in class as it could cut or scratch someone during training.

Students with long hair should have their hair pulled back during class.


If your child misses class, or if you just want them to get a boost on their skills, we have a library of technique videos that you can pair with the curriculum schedule so your child can watch online for extra practice.

Virtual Library:
**Password protected. Email for the password.

Krav Junior Curriculum:

We also have a library of blog posts for parents on child development, behavior management, and how kids learn! Check them out at this link:

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